Saturday, May 19, 2012

Graeme back from Ascension

Graeme arrived back from Ascension at about 3pm today. He and Vince had a profitable time meeting with, and encouraging the handful of Christians that live there.  They found that denominational differences faded amongst the group of about 12 or 15, and they simply enjoyed worshipping together.

 It was good to have him home again.

 Here are a few pictures that he took while there.
A turtle heading for the sea, and craters and tracks on another beach, made by the turtles.  Ascension is famous for it's turtles
Comfortless Cove.  Volcanic rock surrounding a small beach.  It got its name because in the 1800's a ship with a crew sick with scarlet fever tried to land.  Those who were sick were quarantined in this little cove and died there.     The little white house is where the underwater telephone cable (that was used before the days of satelite communication) came up out of the sea

Georgetown - photo taken from Cross Hill

Rocks and cinders cover most of the island.  Recently a kind of thorny scrub from Mexico has started appearing.
                                                                            A marker to One Boat.    For some strange reason, the folk leave the trophies that they win (not the valuable ones) at this sight, and no one takes them away.
Green Mountain and the Red Lion - a boarding house that was built in the 1860's  (with Graeme standing in the foreground)
St Mary's of Ascension.  The Anglican place of worship built in the 1840's
Father Chris Brown (with whom Graeme stayed) and Pussycat, who always joined Graeme and Chris for morning and evening prayers.
Vincent March, getting reading to board the RMS, and looking forward to going home to St Helena.

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