Monday, August 6, 2012

Ooooh, we love onions

The island's "onion-less" state has come to an end - for now.  We were without onions for 6 weeks because someone in SA did not complete all the necessary export paperwork - so the SA officials would not allow our consignment of onions onto the RMS.  After our "onion famine" I plan to use them at every meal time.

Hannah and Gammy's hands touching lovely onions


  1. sympathies for the famine but I understand the excitement at having them again!!

  2. Hurrah for the humble onion! Isn't it amazing how many dishes start with frying a little onion?

  3. Silly old sister - plant some of your own - take an old tyre - lay it on the ground and fill with sand, compost & pig poo - after a week of watering plant potato - when it grows put another tire on top of the first one - fill with sand as the plant grows - chuck your organic rubbish there too - keep this up till the stack is high - wait for flowers to die - harvest potatoes
    Oh yes you were talking about onions - grow them.
