Floor and general cleaning day. I do NOT enjoy the task, but today was made enjoyable for me by watching the progression in the dog vs cat saga.
Clawd is obviously gradually losing his fear of the dogs, and they are reluctantly accepting his presence in what they consider to be their territory. After lunch this afternoon, Clawd jumped onto my chest for his usual cuddle. Jealous Abi saw it, and jumped onto my lap for a cuddle as well. This joint cuddle was repeated later on in the day. Cho gets her cuddles from Graeme and any visitor with an empty lap.

During the course of the day, I spotted Clawd creeping up to a sleeping Cho, and sniffing her.
Then, the role reversal : I took the dogs and cat outside to do their business. Abi was walking around and enjoying the fresh air while Clawd ran and pranced around in the wet grass. While Abi's back was turned, Clawd stalked her and took a tentative swipe at her curly tail... Who knows who will be chasing who by the end of the week.