Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sunday School

I have had one young teenager who has been a faithful attendee (and often the only one) for the past year.  Tiffany Herne.  Our activities after the lesson are random, but we enjoy them.  We have made pencil cases, iced biscuits, made paper mache bowls, and now we have completed a minature trinket box out of match boxes covered in fancy fabric and glued together to make drawers.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hannah's First Day at School

Hannah was allowed to start school early.  She only turns 3 yrs on 18 Dec, but she seemed to be ready for the Big Step.  She goes to the Harford Primary School at Longwood.  One of the lovely things about St Helena, is the safety.  Can you imagine putting your 2 yr old on a bus, and waving good bye as she goes to school, with no anxiety in your heart?  Well, that is normal on St Helena.