Monday, April 28, 2014

The Way Forward

Our Gospel Outreach Committee feel strongly that we, as a church, must change our focus to be more actively reaching out to others, rather than just caring for our own congregation.  One of the exciting decisions taken, was to start "youth friendly" church services in our Knollcombes Chapel.  This chapel has not been used for some time, and is very close to the most densely populated area on the island (i.e. Half Tree Hollow)  Arthur and Gareth will be heavily involved - Arthur in preaching, and Gareth in leading the singing.  Anthony Hopkins and Charles Schwartz (from Basil Read) will also be involved.   The first meeting is planned for this coming Sunday.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

First Hair Cut

Hannah had her first hair cut.   She went from this :

Just pretty

Pretty in pig tails
To this:

Posing with fridge magnet in mouth
Oh Dear!  What have we done?


Monday, April 14, 2014

A fruitful voyage

Graeme spoke to Erroll and Joe via skype today.  They arrived in Cape Town last night, and were now happily back in their respective homes.  On the voyage home, they had a lot of time to talk to passengers, and they told us that a few people had responded to the gospel while on the voyage to Cape Town.

We, as a church, now have the responsibility of caring for, and nurturing these new believers, and putting into practice the things that we learnt from "The Three" while they were with us.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


"The Three" were packed and ready to leave at 7.15am sharp.  After handing their luggage in, we went to have coffee at the coffee shop near the wharf.  It is the custom on St Helena to meet there for a final cuppa before bidding friends and family "bon voyage" on the RMS.

Errol and Claudia handing in their uggage
 Joe - happy to be going home to his beloved Christine

Claudia did not want to leave - she joined us ladies in waving goodbye to Errol and Joe
A final farewell

I learnt a lot from these 3 lovely people in the short 8 days that they spent with us.  I was especially impressed by their constant, genuine interest in people.  Always thinking of others and how to minister to them.  I also enjoyed the playful banter between us around the breakfast table, and the SA slang that just crept back into my language while speaking to them.  A truly blessed time for me.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 8

The last day with the Terrible Trio.  Errol and Joe decided that they could not leave the island without having conquered Jacob's ladder.  By the time that I came down for breakfast at 8 am, the 2 rather happy (but tired) men came had just returned.
 699 steps to the top
 The last few steps
Piece of old Tacky!!

Joe then stood us to breakfast at the Consulate

10 am Errol, Claudia, Graeme and I visited SHAPE - the place of sheltered employment for the handicapped.  Errol preached
One of several hair pin bends on the road back to Jamestown

On the way home we stopped at the top of Jacob's Ladder to impress Claudia with her husband's achievement that morning.

Errol and Claudia standing at the top of Jacob's Ladder with the RMS in the background, ready to take them back to SA the next day
Claudia at the top of Jacob's ladder
Jamestown as seen from the top of Jacob's Ladder

While we were doing "the tourist thing" at the top of the Ladder, one of the Saints was watching us.  We asked him whether he climbed the ladder on a regular basis.  He said that as a child he often slid down the ladder, and he then showed us how it is done.

Next we had lunch with Adrian and Verline at their fast food outlet
The scrummiest ribs you can imagine

For our final 7pm meetings, I took Joe to the Levelwood community centre, and Graeme took Errol and Claudia to the Sandy Bay Community centre.

Only 5 ladies came to the Levelwood meeting, but, together with Arthur, Danny, Hannah, Edyta and Gareth, it was a lovely intimate time, where Joe had much liberty in preaching.  Gareth and Edyta led the singing, and Arthur gave his testimony.
 After the meeting, Arthur and Danny (who live very close by) rushed home to get cups, kettle, tea and biscuits.  Here Joe is serving the ladies
Hannah "smiling" for the camera
 Hannah listening

 There was a good turn out at the Sandy Bay Community centre.  A young girl, Alex, was asked to play the tambourine, while the musicians played on their key boards.
 There was a good response to Errol's preaching

On a lighter note - here is a picture of the 2 creatures that had Joe impressed/amused/guessing every night when he walked past our bedroom - which is a bit of a family room. (Graeme and I and the 2 pugs sleep there all night, and the 3 cats wander in and out at various stages.)  Joe said that he would hear this dreadful sawing noise - sometimes in various keys - coming from our room.  He could not be sure which of the creatures sleeping there were making the noise.
Pugs seldom bark, but make constant snorting, snuffling, snoring noises - even when they are awake.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 7

An early start for me.  Graeme had ordered chicken breyani (Durban style) for the bring and share lunch after church, which started at 11 am.  I had managed to collect the ingredients during the previous weeks, and had the pot cooked and ready by about 10am.

We had a record number of folk attending (about 80) and there was a good response to the messages.

 The musicians
Inside the church
 Outside the church
 Hannah and a little boy eyeing one another while at the manse
 Errol and Joe with the Leo family
Nick (the Treasurer) counting the collection 

At 3 pm we had a "picnic" meeting at Rosemary Plain.  Claudia could not get over the sign post showing the way.....

  About 20 cars arrived, and most people chose to sit in their cars and listen to the message.  A few got out and enjoyed listening to the music and message in the open air.

Adrian and Verline Leo
Graeme and Hazel
 Gareth and Edyta singing
Nick Burger on the key board
Joe preaching

The sun shining on the needles of a pine tree

After the picnic, we had an informal church meeting of testimonies and singing at 7pm

Arthur and Danny managed to rush over after ending a shift, and Claudia took this photo of them with their respective parents.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 6

Early to work - 7.00am - to set up the schoolroom for a Coffee Morning.  Claudia, Joe and I were involved in this event.  I arranged tables, welcomed people etc, Claudia played the piano accordion, and Joe preached.
 The church ladies who helped with the coffee morning
 Joe praying while the ladies bowed their heads
Hazel & Claudia

While we were drinking tea/ coffee, Graeme and Errol were holding another open air meeting at the Cannister.

From there we went to the Consulate Hotel for lunch. 

Graeme, Errol and Claudia then went to visit the Marches in Blue Hill, where musical instruments were once again produced and played. 
  On their way back they paid a visit to Jonathan (the tortoise) before we all met at Anthony and Elaine Hopkins for supper.  
 Jonathan in front of the governor's home

Then off to another open air meeting - outside the Market, opposite one pub, and next to another.  (Good preaching position)  We even had some folk walk out of the pub and stand outside and listen to the message.