The baby is GROWING. Here is Danny in a cheeky pose in her swimming attire.
Last week Arthur and Danny assembled the cot and changing station that they bought online,
A few days ago I got stung by one of the bees that are hanging around the flowering basil plants. The Saint bees are bigger and darker than the ones in SA, and I am sure that their sting is nastier. I managed to get a photo of one drinking the nectar out of a little weed flower.
The Sunday school children are now making cross stitch articles as Christmas gifts. Thanks to the ladies from other countires that have send us craft items over the past 2 years.
The Baptist ladies plan to hold a "cake and cookie" sale on Fri 28th at the Market in Main Street. There are new health and hygiene regulations on the island now. Everyone that sells food (even a packet of crisps) has to have a license and medical clearance. I found out today that they will give us Baptists a special "stall license" because it will be a once off thing. BUT I have to make sure that none of ladies bake their wares earlier than the night before the sale, and I have to accept responsibility if anyone gets sick from any of the food that will be sold..... The days have gone when a child could set up a "lemonade stand" outside his front gate, or sell fudge at school to get pocket money.
The island does not have any flower shops or gardens, and one struggles to get flowers for a special occassion. There were times when I felt "flower starved". So I started looking out for flowers anywhere, and taking photos as reminders that, although they are few and far between, they are around. Here is a photo of the flowers that were put in the Head O'Wain chapel on Sunday, and a nastersium growing on our rubbish heap.