The first day of "Gospel Week" has finally arrived.
Errol and a friend on the RMS with St Helena in the background.
Unloading a container from the RMS
Joe descending the gang plank onto the little boat that carries passengers to the shore
Claudia and Errol travelling to the shore
The welcoming committee
The 4 x 4 that was loaned to us for the week so that we could travel on all the windy, bumpy roads
Errol and Joe outside the manse
The "Trio" came ashore at about 9 am this morning. It was great to finally meet Errol and Claudia in the flesh, and to see Joe again after many years.
Within a few hours the men were off to the radio station to record a few "thoughts for the day" that would be aired during the course of the week. While Graeme took the visitors on a flying tour of the island, I stayed at home to cook our first supper together - lasagne. (Our evening meals had to be early (around 5.30pm) to give us time to travel to the various venues where the meetings started at 7pm.)
A view of James Bay from the top of Jacob's Ladder
The rock called "Lot" with "Lot's wife" in the distance
Graeme and Errol in front of the Sandy Bay chapel
Graeme and Joe inspecting the canon that was trained down Sandy Bay valley
The first evening, Graeme took Errol and Claudia to the Blue Hill Community Centre, (where the Christmas decorations still hung in all their glory) while I took Joe to the Half Tree Hollow, Salvation Army Hall. There was good attendance (about 50 people) at both venues.