Arthur led his second study at Cape Villa. It is a difficult study to lead because the people that meet are on such different levels. e.g. literacy ranges from totally illiterate to degreed education; attention span ranges from folk who are old, frail and tired, to those who are young and alert; most don't even attempt to follow the study in a Bible. YET most of the folk attend regularly every Tuesday afternoon. It is a mottley bunch, but I have come to care for, and enjoy the little group that meets there.
One sad thing - Felicity, who is in charge of running Cape Vila, had to go to Cape Town for surgery. She has a cat that she hand raised (similar to my Clawd). This poor animal walks between Jamestown, where Felicity lives and Cape Villa (about a 20 minute drive up a very steep hill) every day looking for her. When we were there, he was walking from flatlet to flatlet, meeowing. We tried to comfort him, but he just wants Felicity. She is expected home in about a week and a half.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
House cleaning and hair cutting.
and after.

I think I prefer the woolly look.
Arthur has registered with AVEC (Adult Vocation and Education Centre) to do English and Maths “O” levels in the coming educational year (September to June) He also hopes to do Religious Studies and Woodwork via correspondence. If he passes 4 “O” level subjects with a minimum of a “C” each, then South Africa will accept it in lieu of their matric, and allow him to study further at a theological institution.
Arthur has registered with AVEC (Adult Vocation and Education Centre) to do English and Maths “O” levels in the coming educational year (September to June) He also hopes to do Religious Studies and Woodwork via correspondence. If he passes 4 “O” level subjects with a minimum of a “C” each, then South Africa will accept it in lieu of their matric, and allow him to study further at a theological institution.
Arthur and Graeme went off to the Half Tree Hollow Bible study, and I have my computer to myself for a few minutes, and am "blogging". Arthur is having his first experience at driving a car up Ladder Hill - Graeme is following on his motor bike.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Welly Smelly
There has been quite a bit of rain lately. After the Sunday School lesson I was washing dishes when something made me look up out of the kitchen window. To my horror, I saw nasty dirty water gushing towards the window with even nastier "stuff" floating on it! I ran to the back door, and saw that the lid on the sewerage drain had lifted, and there was a fountain of the horrible stuff bubbling up and flooding the back garden.
I tried to find a telephone number for an emergency service - nothing.
While visiting the CCC (old age home) later in the afternoon, I mentioned the problem to one of our deacons, and was told that I had to phone the police. They would know who to contact, and would send someone to sort out the problem. Sure enough, the police knew what to do, and we soon had some men clearing up the mess.
Apparently, the drains higher up the road had become blocked, and everything redirected into the tiny pipe running under the manse's back yard.
I tried to find a telephone number for an emergency service - nothing.
While visiting the CCC (old age home) later in the afternoon, I mentioned the problem to one of our deacons, and was told that I had to phone the police. They would know who to contact, and would send someone to sort out the problem. Sure enough, the police knew what to do, and we soon had some men clearing up the mess.
Apparently, the drains higher up the road had become blocked, and everything redirected into the tiny pipe running under the manse's back yard.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
This and that
Had a good session with the children at Good News club.
I then finished a bath mat that the Sandy Bay BWA ladies want to give to Edie tomorrow. The mat is made by joining strips of toweling, then plaiting them, then sewing them into a coil.
I then finished a bath mat that the Sandy Bay BWA ladies want to give to Edie tomorrow. The mat is made by joining strips of toweling, then plaiting them, then sewing them into a coil.
Tammy and Gavin Williams popped in for a visit. The children enjoyed playing with the dogs, then paged through a book on pugs.

Friday, July 23, 2010
Friday fish
We had the gruyper steaks fried in batter for lunch. Big yummy!
Arthur went with me to check for mail
– the RMS called yesterday morning from Ascension, and departed in the evening again on its way to South Africa. We received a parcel of Bibles for the children.
Praise the Lord for the kindness of a church in the USA! The parcel also included some book markers that were made by the children from that church.
We also received 12 chairs from the RMS’s old furniture. Arthur spent the afternoon setting up the books and rearranging the chairs in the schoolroom in preparation for his first “True Saints” meeting with the teenagers tomorrow. 
Arthur went with me to check for mail

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Clawd is on the mend ! He played with me a little this morning :)
Had coffee with Bev Kilner. My walking stick slipped out from under my hand as I was climbing down the last stair at the coffee shop (it had been raining) and I fell down in a big undignified heap - hurt my butt bones and bent my finger nail back. I felt sorry for myself.
While I hobbled home, I found an unusual treat in the shops – cream doughnuts! Yummy!
In the bus on the way to my lace class, Olive Brown asked me what kind of things would be on sale at the BWA coffee morning in 3 weeks’ time. When she heard that, besides the usual pretty craft things, there would also be manure on sale, she immediately booked all the manure for her garden! And here I am, spending hours trying to make pretty frilly things to sell, only to find out that I could raise more money for the church picking up animal poop….
Graeme and Arthur came home from the evening Bible studies with 4 beeuootiful big gruyper fish steaks. Nick Williams had been fishing, and had cleaned a part of his catch for us. Such kindness.
Had coffee with Bev Kilner. My walking stick slipped out from under my hand as I was climbing down the last stair at the coffee shop (it had been raining) and I fell down in a big undignified heap - hurt my butt bones and bent my finger nail back. I felt sorry for myself.

Graeme and Arthur came home from the evening Bible studies with 4 beeuootiful big gruyper fish steaks. Nick Williams had been fishing, and had cleaned a part of his catch for us. Such kindness.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Usually pips and bulbs wait to be planted in soil, and watered, and sunshined on before they start growing – not in the Baptist manse. The chow chows grow in the veggie rack while waiting for me to cook them, 
and the flower bulbs just get on with the job of blooming.
This afternoon we received a visit from a couple from South Africa, Bloemfontein - Colin and Marita Celliers. There was instant rapport between us, and we thoroughly enjoyed their company. This trip to St Helena was their 40th wedding anniversary gift to each other. They board the ship back to SA tomorrow.

This afternoon we received a visit from a couple from South Africa, Bloemfontein - Colin and Marita Celliers. There was instant rapport between us, and we thoroughly enjoyed their company. This trip to St Helena was their 40th wedding anniversary gift to each other. They board the ship back to SA tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Arum lilies
Clawd is still not well, although he had a drink out of the dogs’ water bowl today, and ate a few mouthfuls of food.
The road to Sandy Bay BWA is looking rather pretty in the sections where the arum lilies grow.
Today I realized that I have a problem with concentrating on one thing at a time – not only am I busy reading 2 books, but I am also cross stitching a book marker, and have started crocheting a baby blanket for Bev Kilner whose baby is due in 8 weeks’ time. 
The road to Sandy Bay BWA is looking rather pretty in the sections where the arum lilies grow.

Monday, July 19, 2010
Sick Clawd
Clawd has been sick since Friday. He just lies still – no playing – no eating or drinking – no going outside. His fur is all scruffy, and he crawls onto my chest for me to hold him whenever he can, and sometimes gets twitches. We took him to ANRD (the island’s animal service). They thought that he either had a bad case of worms, or had been poisoned. His gums and eyelid linings were a bluish white colour, instead of the healthy pink that they should have been - an indication of severe anaemia.
They gave us some deworming medicine and some vitamins. I am worried.
The Half Tree Hollow Bible study has moved to Monday evenings - Arthur's first time to lead this group. He came home disheartened, thinking that the study did not go well. Graeme came home encouraged, thinking that the study did go well. They both attended the same meeting...
They gave us some deworming medicine and some vitamins. I am worried.
The Half Tree Hollow Bible study has moved to Monday evenings - Arthur's first time to lead this group. He came home disheartened, thinking that the study did not go well. Graeme came home encouraged, thinking that the study did go well. They both attended the same meeting...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Helpful neighbours
The combined chapel service took place at 2.30pm. The church was much fuller than usual – a number of folk who seldom attend, all pitched up for this service.
The Sunday School children said a memory verse each, and then we sang a song (off key) accompanied by my lovely bright yellow tambourine. Not all the Sunday School children came, so a number of prizes could not be handed out.
After closing up, and on my way from the Schoolroom to the manse, a lady that I don’t know stuck her head out of her car window, and called “Hazel! Are you still looking for lace thread?” Methinks “How does she know that I am looking for lace thread?” while me answers “Yes, I am.” She tells me that the Arts and Crafts shop has got some lace thread in, then waves cheerily and drives off…
The Sunday School children said a memory verse each, and then we sang a song (off key) accompanied by my lovely bright yellow tambourine. Not all the Sunday School children came, so a number of prizes could not be handed out.
After closing up, and on my way from the Schoolroom to the manse, a lady that I don’t know stuck her head out of her car window, and called “Hazel! Are you still looking for lace thread?” Methinks “How does she know that I am looking for lace thread?” while me answers “Yes, I am.” She tells me that the Arts and Crafts shop has got some lace thread in, then waves cheerily and drives off…
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Senior Citizens
Graeme and I were invited to attend a senior citizen’s tea at the Prince Andrew School. Like a “doffy” I puzzled over why we had been invited – only on our way to the get together did it dawn on me…horrifications! I am a senior citizen :(
Friday, July 16, 2010
Garnetts go
Apologies for the long silence. I have had to share my computer with Arthur... and we ran out of bandwidth...
We saw the Garnetts off at the wharf. It will be strange not having them around anymore. Pam's guitar playing and singing will be missed at our church services.
The new customs building is coming along nicely. It is being built with cement blocks, and then covered with stonework to keep up the appearance of old buildings.
See the netting that was secured over the hill behind the customs area. This is to help prevent rocks falling on passengers as they arrive on St Helena 
We saw the Garnetts off at the wharf. It will be strange not having them around anymore. Pam's guitar playing and singing will be missed at our church services.

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday Bible study at Deadwood was cancelled due to the bad weather - people do not like going out when it is windy and wet and cold. (Only the stalwart Sandy Bay folk happily brave the weather) So, while Arthur went with Graeme to Half Tree Hollow (Arthur's first study on the Island) I spent the evening with the Garnetts. We visited the Oriental Restaurant as it was their "eat as much as you can" buffet evening. Yummy food.
Thursday evening. Lace class was cancelled, so I went with Graeme to the Sandy Bay and Blue Hill studies. Arthur met with the 2 Thorpes brothers to discuss atheism versus Christianity. The discussion did not go as Arthur had hoped, but he is still friends with Ed and Henry. They are the first strongly atheist friends that he has made, and he is the first Christian friend that they have made. It could end up being a challenging friendship for all 3 of them.
Thursday evening. Lace class was cancelled, so I went with Graeme to the Sandy Bay and Blue Hill studies. Arthur met with the 2 Thorpes brothers to discuss atheism versus Christianity. The discussion did not go as Arthur had hoped, but he is still friends with Ed and Henry. They are the first strongly atheist friends that he has made, and he is the first Christian friend that they have made. It could end up being a challenging friendship for all 3 of them.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The weather has turned rather nasty - cold, windy and wet. We received a phone call to say that the folks at Cape Villa felt that they would rather cancel this evening's meeting, and snuggle up in their warm beds. We phoned all the other people that attend with us, and thought that was that. BUT to my great "upsetness" I found out that the message had not reached Mama Lizzie in time. She had asked to join us from this week, and I was supposed to pick her up along the way - because her legs could not manage the steep hills so well any more (she is only 91 years old!) She was left standing in the rain and wind for 30 minutes before she gathered that we were not coming!
This was the last Tuesday that the Garnetts would spend with us on St Helena. Instead of the usual Bible study, we had a "bring and share" kind of supper - although Jean and Trevor did most of the hard work of cooking and arranging the whole evening. We had loads of excellent food,
and home made ginger beer - delicious!!
Pam will be missed with her sharp sense of humour, and good singing voice and guitar playing. Although Geoff and Madison were not part of the church, we often met with them, and enjoyed their company. They will be boarding the RMS on Friday on their way to Ascension Island, then on to the UK for about 4 weeks with family and friends before starting a new life in Cairo, Egypt.
This was the last Tuesday that the Garnetts would spend with us on St Helena. Instead of the usual Bible study, we had a "bring and share" kind of supper - although Jean and Trevor did most of the hard work of cooking and arranging the whole evening. We had loads of excellent food,

Pam will be missed with her sharp sense of humour, and good singing voice and guitar playing. Although Geoff and Madison were not part of the church, we often met with them, and enjoyed their company. They will be boarding the RMS on Friday on their way to Ascension Island, then on to the UK for about 4 weeks with family and friends before starting a new life in Cairo, Egypt.

Monday, July 12, 2010
Past week
Besides the usual routines of house cleaning, Bible studies, Good News club, Sunday school and chapel services, nothing too exciting happened this past week.
Arthur applied for a position as a cashier at a petrol station - he will only be considered if no Saint applies for the job. He will be notified after the 14th of this month. It does not pay much, but will help cover his expenses. Should he get the job, he would still be able to cope with the church work that has been assigned to him. i.e. take over the Bible studies at Cape Villa and Half Tree Hollow - Graeme and I will continue to attend these studies with him.
Friday evenings he meets casually with a group of about 6 young adults. He tells me that the conversation often drifts towards spiritual matters. He will also start a teenagers group on Saturday afternoons. Hopefully, the one young man that actively attends the Salvation Army, Nicholas Yon, will join him in running this group.
There has been quite a bit of wind and rain over the past few days. It was chilly enough for me to wear long sleeves for 2 whole days in a row!
Arthur applied for a position as a cashier at a petrol station - he will only be considered if no Saint applies for the job. He will be notified after the 14th of this month. It does not pay much, but will help cover his expenses. Should he get the job, he would still be able to cope with the church work that has been assigned to him. i.e. take over the Bible studies at Cape Villa and Half Tree Hollow - Graeme and I will continue to attend these studies with him.
Friday evenings he meets casually with a group of about 6 young adults. He tells me that the conversation often drifts towards spiritual matters. He will also start a teenagers group on Saturday afternoons. Hopefully, the one young man that actively attends the Salvation Army, Nicholas Yon, will join him in running this group.
There has been quite a bit of wind and rain over the past few days. It was chilly enough for me to wear long sleeves for 2 whole days in a row!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Bad news : Our Arthur discovered that the correspondence course that he wanted to enroll in, has not yet been finalised and will only be available in 2012. Also that there has been a clamp down by the SA government concerning the entrance qualifications to all terteriary education - a minimum of matric, which he does not have.
Good news : There is an Adult Education Centre on St Helena (2 doors down from the manse). It looks as if Arthur will be able to enroll for 2 "O" level subjects and one "A" level, over the course of the next academic year. If he passes these 3 subjects with at least a "C", this will be accepted in lieu of a SA matric, and he should be able to return to SA and enroll in the institution of his choice in SA in 2012.
Although nothing has been finalised yet, the planned course of action for the coming year looks hopeful.
Arthur led his first St Helenian Bible study (Cape Villa). As it was also Anthony's birthday, it was a shorter study to allow time for cake and tea afterwards.
Later in the evening, it was Pam Garnett's last actual Bible study with us - they leave for Egypt in 10 day's time. She will be missed on the Island. She is a very good maths teacher, sings and plays the guitar. We will be holding a farewell supper for her, Geoff and Madison next Tues evening instead of our regular Bible study.
Good news : There is an Adult Education Centre on St Helena (2 doors down from the manse). It looks as if Arthur will be able to enroll for 2 "O" level subjects and one "A" level, over the course of the next academic year. If he passes these 3 subjects with at least a "C", this will be accepted in lieu of a SA matric, and he should be able to return to SA and enroll in the institution of his choice in SA in 2012.
Although nothing has been finalised yet, the planned course of action for the coming year looks hopeful.
Arthur led his first St Helenian Bible study (Cape Villa). As it was also Anthony's birthday, it was a shorter study to allow time for cake and tea afterwards.
Later in the evening, it was Pam Garnett's last actual Bible study with us - they leave for Egypt in 10 day's time. She will be missed on the Island. She is a very good maths teacher, sings and plays the guitar. We will be holding a farewell supper for her, Geoff and Madison next Tues evening instead of our regular Bible study.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Sunday School
Another 2 new boys showed up for Sunday School. Ma-Kyle attends Good News Club, but it was his first visit to Sunday School. (I am sure that the jig saw puzzle was the attraction for him.) So we now have 10 children that attend. This Sunday, 2 of the regulars (Regan and Tiffany) attended a country chapel with their family instead of Sunday School in Jamestown. The children are quite caught up in the competition for prizes, (to be handed out in 2 weeks' time) and learn their memory verses quite conscientiously.
After Sunday School the children split up to play with whatever interested them the most. I had my camera with me, and took some photos.
Megan and Ma-Kyle in the back row, Sunna, Karla, Josh, Vontray and Archit in the middle row, and Renee in the front.

The attendance register.

Vontray and Josh playing their version of "ping pong" in the now-empty baptistry.

The children are collecting money to send to some AIDS orphans in South Africa. They are proud that there is no "brown money" (small pennies) in their money box.

Arthur has taken on the task of promoting the lending library that we are building up. He must have sounded convincing, because 3 books were taken out after the evening service in Jamestown - one was a children's book and was taken out by Sunna and Vontray (brother and sister). Let's hope that they are read before they are returned.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Settling in
This past week has been a blurr of unpacking, tidying up, washing and ironing, and Bible studies. Arthur discovered that the correspondence course that he wanted to enroll in, might only start next year. He took this week off to try and settle in, but next week we will try and work out some sort of routine/time table for him. There are a number of possibilities that he is considering pursuing while on St Helena.
Yesterday evening Arthur invited 5 Saints over to play non gambling poker. Although he enjoyed the evening, he is having to come to terms with the fact that having English as a common language does not mean that one has much else in common. This is the second time in my life that I have "immigrated" and I believe that the only way to become part of your new community is to consciously put aside your old way of life, and concentrate on absorbing/learning the new one that you have entered. Not always easy.
Graeme stayed in his study, and I spent the evening with the Garnetts.
Today was Good News Club again. I opened a jig saw puzzle for the children to work on after the lesson, which they seemed to enjoy. In the afternoon, I turned one of the Sandy Bay ladies' practice piece of embroidery into a pin cushion, that can go on the craft table at our upcoming BWA coffee morning.
Later on Graeme, Arthur and I went for a picnic on Blue Hill. It was VERY windy and chilly, but we enjoyed the outing and the fresh air. Some photos follow :

A twisted bit of tree hanging over an arum lily

Flax in the foreground, then hills, then sea and sky
Arthur contemplating

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