Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cape Villa

Arthur led his second study at Cape Villa. It is a difficult study to lead because the people that meet are on such different levels. e.g. literacy ranges from totally illiterate to degreed education; attention span ranges from folk who are old, frail and tired, to those who are young and alert; most don't even attempt to follow the study in a Bible. YET most of the folk attend regularly every Tuesday afternoon. It is a mottley bunch, but I have come to care for, and enjoy the little group that meets there.
One sad thing - Felicity, who is in charge of running Cape Vila, had to go to Cape Town for surgery. She has a cat that she hand raised (similar to my Clawd). This poor animal walks between Jamestown, where Felicity lives and Cape Villa (about a 20 minute drive up a very steep hill) every day looking for her. When we were there, he was walking from flatlet to flatlet, meeowing. We tried to comfort him, but he just wants Felicity. She is expected home in about a week and a half.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Hazel,
    The kitty story is heart-rending. Ag shame! Just hopping in to catch up with your news and say hi. Love to all of you
