Monday, August 9, 2010

No Show

The lady that "drives" the Half Tree Hollow Bible study, Wendy Henry, left for a 3 month study course in Ireland. It seems that her absence affected the rest of the group. Arthur and I arrived at the hall a few minutes early. The hall was locked, so we waited outside in the cold and damp... 12 minutes after the meeting was due to start, we were still the only ones there. As the Saints tend to arrive early for their meetings, we took this as a sign that no one was going to come.
When we got home, instead of just putting our Bibles away, and licking our wounds, I asked Arthur to do the study that he had prepared, with me. It ended up being a most profitable time for me. Arthur has a different style of teaching - he prefers to get the person with him to be an active participant - to read the passage and discover the Bible truths together with him - rather than just being a passive listener. It is not easy to get islanders to participate in this way, but Arthur seems to have a way of drawing them out. Perhaps I can pick up a few tips from him.

1 comment:

  1. What an unexpected blessing, to have the study with just the two of you. Good on you!
