The morning was spent cleaning house.
In the afternoon we went to Nick and Lolly’s place for lunch. Lolly is proudly St Helenian, and treated us to St Helenian fish soup – cooked with the fish head “and all”. I small plate was placed in the centre of the table for the bones – a jaw bone and various other interesting bits landed up in this plate. Nick ate his soup in true Saint fashion i.e. by fetching a bowl of leftover cooked rice from the fridge, which he added to his soup.
After lunch we travelled to Nick’s little “get away” cottage in Levelwood. We had to park the car, and walk the rest of the way. On route there was a section of scenery that reminded me of Zimbabwe with its beautiful rock formations

Lolly and I gathered sticks and Lolly lit a fire in the kitchen fireplace,

Home for a quick shower, and then off to a dinner party thing at the Mule Yard, where Graeme played in the regular orchestra.