Although it was Easter week end, a good number of children came to Good News Club. It is great to sense a kind of relationship developing between myself and the children. I am trying to emphasise the importance of reading the Bible. One little girl, Rene, who does not have a Bible, proudly produced the “Bible” that her mother had bought for her during the week. Bearing in mind that there are no Bibles for sale on the island (other than through a church), I thought that she did quite well - Enid Blyton’s Children’s Bible Stories. I offered to read her a story out of her Bible after the lesson is finished each week.
Madison came over to the manse in the afternoon. I played a game or 2 of rummy and "donkey" with her, then we opened one of the jig saw puzzles that I had brought from SA.
After supper, we went to the Garnetts to watch a DVD.
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