Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 5

Each morning we went over the day's plans and checked who was responsible for what.

Joe took the assembly at St Paul's primary school, then visited the sheltered accommodation at Cape Villa.
Joe with Miss Rosie (93 years old)

In the afternoon we were taken on a tour through the Argos fishy factory.
Joe getting dressed in pretty blue
The pretty 5 in their protective gear before touring the Argos fish factory
Tuna hanging on rails after being gutted and cleaned.  You can judge their size by the men standing in the background.

The island's fuel tanks at Rupert's Bay, next to the Argos factory

This time our evening meal was provided by Eric and Wendy Henry.

Afterwards Joe spoke to the teenagers at the New Horizon's centre, before strolling over to the Mule Yard for another open air meeting.  The Mule Yard is an open area that is sheltered by a high roof, and is also directly adjacent to an open air pub.  (Gave an interesting vibe to the meeting)  All the seats under the roofing were taken, and many people sat listening outside the pub, or sat along a wall at the playground.  Both Errol and Joe gave messages.

 The Gospel Week Logo - created by Edyta Drabble
Singing at the Mule Yard
Listening at the Mule Yard


  1. Been great seeing all the activity - so exciting! Please send my regards to the Wessons - although they may not remember me personally, they would surely know my parents, Philip and Patricia Salzwedel from Honeyridge Baptist days :)

    1. Will surely send on your regards. They are very special people.
